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ContactSmartphones, Tablets and iPods are undoubtedly our favorite devices, the daily more than 3 bis 4 hours of our attention. The average time, that we spend every day on our mobile device, has been growing continuously for years and this trend is expected to continue in the near future. Apparently most of the time is spent on mobile apps. Without a doubt, mobile apps were seen as essential, to be successful with customers, long before 2020 ever started.
• The prologue of 5G technology will certainly have a major impact on the trend of mobile app development in general. The number of 5G connections worldwide is expected to increase 2025 climb. It is said, that 5G the way, how apps are used and created, will continue to develop. The pace of the new network standard is a giant leap forward.
• Android instant apps were added 2016 introduced by Google as the new constitution of software, which is absolutely expedient from the user's point of view and the greatest challenge from the developer's point of view. So they are not new or rare in Android app development, but are becoming increasingly popular.
• Retreat to free time at home, enforced by the lockdown, leads to an increase in the time spent on mobile devices and the increasing appreciation of mobile games and apps, who can contribute, to make that time productive or even valuable.
• App Clips are a feature in iPhones, which became known as the latest development trends for mobile apps. the aim is, to improve the handiness of mobile apps, by channeling the power of the entire Apple ecosystem.
• AI was also 2020 Mentioned among the top trends for mobile apps. And we'll probably read about it for a few more years in a row. AI research has not stopped even in the face of the global epidemic. In fact, this technology has changed the world in a way, which has not been seen before, and 2021 will bring even more problematic and amazing changes.
Every year there are innovations and trends, specify the changes. The level of knowledge is constantly changing and there is no other way, than adapting to it. It is important and simply rational, to take into account the capacity or the latest trends, that define the mobile app industry.
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