GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE APPPLATFORMS AND DEVICES:1. What kind of app do you want to develop??
iPhoneiPaduniversal iosAndroid SmartphoneUniversal androidWindows
2. If iOS development is part of the project: Select all devices and iOS versions for your app• iOS versions:
iOS 14iOS 13 (recommendation)iOS 12iOS 11iOS lower (will have a significant impact on the budget)
• iPhone:
iPHone XS MaxiPhone XSiPhone XRiPhone Xetc.
• iPad:
iPad Air (3rd generation)iPad 5, 4, 3 mini (Full Screen)etc.
3. If Android development is part of the project: Write on the list of Android devices, on which the app has to be testedDESIGN:4. Who provides the design?
From the clientFrom ONMA scout
5. When design has to be done by the ONMA scout, What should the design look like??
Default / templateCustom - newUser-defined - adapted to your corporate identity
6. Who is the target group for your application?
End customers, B2C App, broad massB2BApp is used in-house
7. Choose the screen orientation
SERVER, DATABASE AND APIS:8. Does your app need a connection to an external server?
And, Server has already been set upAnd, Server has not yet been set upNo
9. When your app needs a server, what is the current state of API (Application Programming Interface - programming interface, a part of the program, which is made available by a software system to other programs for connection to the system)?
ONMA scout develops the APIAPIs have already been developed and tested, no changes necessaryAPI have been specified and we assume, that no changes are necessary, but we haven't tested itAPI development is in the early stagesOur app doesn't need a server or API
VARIOUS OPTIONS:10. Your app will have a login system?
And, Social media & EmailAnd, EmailNo
11. Your users will have their own profiles?
12. Payments must be integrated into the app?
13. Your app needs data synchronization across different devices?
14. Your app will include a rating function?
15. Your app must be able to work in background mode?
16. Choose all the necessary options, that need to be integrated:
FacebookTwitterSMSIn-app purchasePayPalAddress bookiCal (calendar)Gamecenter (Apple games network for iOS devices)PassBook (Information about PassBook)App ratingiAD (mobile advertising platform from Apple)Flurry (Analytics software for mobile applications)
Others, please name:17. What phase is your app in?
IdeassketchFinished conceptPrototype
18. Who will publish the app in the App Store?
ONMA scout is supposed to do that (under our account)We'll do it ourselvesNo publication intended
DEVELOPER ACCOUNTS:19. Do you have iTunes Apple Developer Account?
Ja – IndividualJa - CompanyJa – EnterpriseYes - UniversityNo
20. Have a developer account on Google Play?
BRING THE APP IDEA TO BENEFIT?21. Every process starts with an idea. It is important, to develop an idea, that offers real added value for the target group. Short: An app is a tool, in order to achieve company goals and to map company processes on the go. Before thatApp can therefore be used as a goal achievement tool, the goals should be clearly definedbe. If the app does not create any additional benefits, it therefore does not fulfill any essential onesCorporate goals, we recommend, to refrain from this idea.your notes:THE APP TARGET AUDIENCE WAS ANALYZED AND DEFINED?22. Only those who know their target group, can meet their needs. Therefore, basic questions have to be answered first: Who is the target group?? Is it accessible via mobile? What needs does it have? The idea satisfies these needs? People (Representatives of the target group) provide - in addition to simple demographic data - an even more precise picture and make the needs of the target group tangible for everyone in the project. In this way, needs can be directly linked to solutions.your notes:IS MOBILE A SUBJECT IN YOUR INDUSTRY?23. Large corporations make it, react quickly to the changing market. Small or medium-sized companies often find it more difficult, adapt to the fast pace of the mobile market. However, mobile offers many new opportunities for these companies in particular, To bind customers, Further develop business models or make processes more efficient. Important is, find out, what opportunities and challenges arise in your own industry from mobile.your notes:THE DIFFERENT PLATFORMS AND TECHNOLOGIES ARE KNOWN?24. Android and iOS are the two most common operating systems. Each platform has individual circumstances, to watch out for. Taking into account the target group, so it has to be decided, which platforms are suitable for the app. And whether for the project native, hybrid or web apps are the way to go. This depends on many factors such as the range of functions, the usage environment and ultimately the desired quality perception of the app. your notes:IS THE APP'S FUNCTIONALITY ALREADY TESTED?25. Countless feature ideas will appear when the app is designed. It is not advisable at this point, to implement everything immediately. It makes more sense, the features in a list (Backlog) collect and then prioritize. In the version 1.0 all features should be included, which cover the basic requirements of the user. The app can then be developed further in conjunction with user feedback. Every decision must support the added value of the app.your notes:WHAT KIND OF APP YOU WANT TO HAVE? Roughly estimate the type of your app.
A simple appA little more complicatedProbably expensiveA gameI can not judge over this
The app should not only run on iPhones but also on Android phonesThe surface of the app should be designed for tabletsThe app should also run on a watch
Purchase options
The app is intended to inform users from time to time of important eventsThe app should be able to let users log in and give them a personal areaI want to know on the fly, whether and how users work with the app
The design of the masks of the app and the icon should be createdContent, like texts, pictures, Videos, must be created
The content in the app should be able to be changed, without having to release a new versionThe app has to be connected to my existing other applicationsThe app is designed to work on other standard applications in the phone, such as. Photos, calendar, directory, Email, SMS, etc. access
I want to see interim results during development and be able to influence themThe developer plans to publish the app in the manufacturer's storesThe app should be kept up-to-date after the release
Further notes / information you want to add:
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