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    Process for publishing the app on the Play Store

    App development solutions

    No matter, whether it's games, a social media app or other, You absolutely spend hours developing Android apps and should be ready, start an app in the Google Play Store. To do this, you must fulfill many things, for Google Play Store to publish your app.

    Requirements for publishing your app in the Google Play Store

    Before you start your app, you should know, how other people see them in the Google Play Store. To do this, create a structure and collect all the things, that they need, to present an awesome app.

    1. Google Play Publisher account to publish and manage all your apps and information.

    2. Signed APK of the app is required, since Android needs the APK files, that you upload to the store, to be able to digitally sign them.

    3. The app icon should be in 32-bit format 512 x 512 have and be stored in PNG, since no other format is accepted.

    4. Feature graphic in size 1024 x 500 with JPEG format or 24-bit PNG without alpha. Screenshots from your phone or tablet need at least two images in JPEG format.

    5. A short and long description for your app

    Release of the Android app on Google Play

    1. The first thing you need to do is create a developer account, if you want to publish an app in the Play Store. This is a definite process. The registration fee for a Google Developer Account is a one-time payment of 25 US-Dollar.

    2. The merchant account is something, you need, if you want to publish or prepare a paid app, to add the option, Buy things from your app as a freemium app.

    3. Don't get confused here. You will not create the app again

    • Go to “All applications”.

    • Click on “create application”.

    • Click the default language for your app from a drop-down list.

    • Set the title of your app.

    • Click on “Create”.

    4. Store listing is divided into at least six categories, the product details, graphic elements, languages ​​and translations, categorization, Contact information and privacy policy include.

    As soon as you are done, is the last step, Rethink and publish your app.

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