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    Why are native apps best??

    Native mobile apps are specially developed for every platform such as Android or iOS. A native app, created for the Android platform, cannot work on an iOS device. Native apps have a good user interface and support the best performance. Native apps are fast, responsive and offer user-friendly operation.

    Developing a native mobile app provides the institution with improved functionality. Any mobile app development gives you many advantages like:

    1. It can be made available to users on either the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

    2. Push notifications help users, to stay up to date

    3. You can earn money with the in-app purchases.

    4. Subscription-based apps will help you with that, to make good money.

    The basic method to develop a native mobile app for smartphones is this, to create them for a specific type of device. For example, iPhone applications are in Objective-C or Swift, Android applications in Java etc. written. The problem with native mobile devices is that, that they do not work with other devices. Any app developed in Swift for iOS will not run on Android, without being completely redeveloped in Java.

    Developing native mobile apps for each platform can be very expensive. All requested applications, knows z. B. Gaming-Apps, are usually developed natively, to use the devices optimally and more comprehensively. Large companies mainly consider native applications, since they can bear the costs of a long-term development cycle, which should enable a really smooth end result.

    Native apps are not only faster in performance, but even support the function, when you are not accessing the network. Native apps offer you a comparatively higher level of security and you can expect, that a native app contains fewer bugs or bugs. Native apps can be configured faster than other hybrid apps, since they are compatible with one platform.

    you can expect, that a native app is more expensive, but it gives you the value for money. As it offers good performance to your users, you can expect, that they rely on it.

    If you want to offer your users a reliable and stable app, you need to opt for native app development.

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