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    Which apps are in the year 2020 in great demand?

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    In the current lockdown situation, everyone's movement is restricted. You can't step out of your house. You have the use of many mobile apps like booking cabs or cabs, looking for hotels, Sightseeing apps as well as flight booking apps- and bus tickets and much more. Hence, apps like on-demand grocery delivery have, On-demand entertainment and other on-demand orders have seen a huge increase in their user base. Now let's explore the popular mobile apps, who are immune to the Corona virus attack and have a bright future.

    • food app
    • Demand for these apps has increased by over the past two months 300% gone up. The growth in downloads is due to fact, that the only way to buy groceries is through a grocery app and it has become an absolute necessity. food apps, that meet all people's requirements. To survive during this pandemic, it is very urgent, the goods / bring items to the front door. These apps help everyone, avoid leaving home.
    • doctor app
    • On-demand apps for doctors provide instant health advice, as well as drug testing and prescriptions. People trust these apps in large numbers and there is an increase in their downloads. There is no doubt, that doctors and hospitals have obligations alongside COVID, to check the condition and well-being of people at home. Precautions, suggestions, Recommendations and instant healing aids can be easily updated for users using these apps.
    • Gaming-Apps: Gaming apps have seen a phenomenal surge during this lockdown period. According to the numbers, the available gaming apps saw a growth in active users 400% and are groundbreaking. People get bored in self-quarantine period. To engage in entertainment, they tend towards mobile gaming apps around the world, and this trend is increasing day by day among the younger generation.
    • Online Education Apps: Like all other sectors, the education sector has been affected by self-quarantine and lockdown. All educational institutions have been closed and the only way out is online educational apps and remote e-learning apps. Almost all schools and major educational institutions have launched online courses for their students. This is the best way, to keep students learning and gaining knowledge.
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