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    How can you optimize your mobile app?

    The mobile storage spaces offered have indeed increased to 256 GB increased, but the size of mobile apps is also increasing, as developers add the latest features to their app, to meet the growing and different demands of the market. With the routine, to get their apps with different screen sizes, also increases the app size.

    In addition, by supporting their apps for different screen sizes, the app size is increased. This leads to an increase in features added to the app, to SDKs, Higher resolution images and better graphics than at a larger SDK size. On one side are wealthy graphics, a smooth navigation and a number of higher functions the heart of users. On the other hand, these apps overwhelm the steep size of mobile storage.

    1. Two different formats, used in images, are either JPEG- or png files. Independently of, whether you want to compress the file yourself or hire an Android App Development Company for this process, extensive tools are available for such conversions.

    2. Designers can run vector graphics, to create independent single resolution images, that don't take up much space. In Android, it's readily available as a VectorDrawable object, which allows you to create concise screen size images under a 100 byte file. It can be a virtuoso plan for small apps, reduce the size of the image.

    3. APK file size is directly related to your app loading speed, synchronized with the storage space in the device memory and the power consumption. And if you keep unused and non-functional code in your app, this only becomes a crowd. By removing the excess and dead codes, you can speed up your application, without affecting the functionality of the app.

    4. If you want to find out, what is included in your app, you can either hire a software development company or use Android Analyzer plugins, to explore all parts of your app. It can help you with Android package size data. This is one of the easiest ways, Identify and apply opportunities, which help in app size reduction and enable you, improve your app.

    Optimizing and reducing app size is the only way, Make your app user-friendly. Following the above techniques will surely help you in this, Minimize app size and get the most out of it.

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