

    Ko ʻEtau Blogs

    ʻOku mau fakaleleiʻi hoʻomou fakatokangaʻi! ʻOku fakapapauʻi mai ʻa e ngaue lelei mo ONMA Sikauti Android app.

    fakalakalaka ʻo e Android app

    Ko ʻEtau Blogs

    Founga ke Hoko ai ko ha tokotaha faʻu Android

    Android entwickler

    Kapau ʻoku ke fakakaukau ki ha ngaue maʻuʻanga moʻui ko ha Android entwickler, ʻoku fie maʻu ke ke ʻiloʻi e ngaahi meʻa ʻoku ke fie maʻu mo e niʻihi ʻoku mou feʻauʻauhi. ʻI heʻene hoko ko ha Android entwickler, te ke hoko ko ha tokotaha faʻu polokalama fakakomipiuta ʻoku ʻi ai hono puipuituʻa informatics, ʻilo ki he ngaahi lea fakafonua kehekehe ʻo e fakapolokalamá, ngaahi ʻātakai fakalakalaká, mo e ngaahi fie maʻu ki he app. ʻOku lahi ha ngaahi kulupu ʻoku nau fakangaueʻi kinautolu ki he tuʻunga ko ʻeni, ko ia ʻoku totonu ke ke ʻosi mei he akó pe maʻu ha mataʻitohi tatau mo ia. ʻOku fie maʻu ʻa kinautolu ʻoku taukei ʻi he kau ta sipinga agile fakalakalaka.

    Hoko ko ha Android entwickler

    Kapau ʻokú ke mahuʻingaʻia ʻi hono faʻu ʻo e Android Apps, te ke lava ʻo ako ki he ngaahi tefitoʻi meʻa mahuʻinga ʻo e Android SDK mo e Android Studio. Ko e SDK ko e polokalama ia ʻoku fakaʻaongaʻi ke tohiʻi ʻa e kouti ki ha polokalama fakakomipiuta, neongo ko e Android Studio ʻa e feituʻu te ke hiki moʻoni ai ʻa e kouti. These programs contain pre-written codes that help you write applications. Also, you will need to learn about SQL, which helps organize databases within an app. XML is also used to describe data in an application.

    The most effective way to learn Android development is to start with a baby project and gradually work up to more complex projects. By learning the basics, you will find yourself developing a portfolio of high-quality apps that you can sell to other developers. Using tutorials and free online resources can help you learn the basics of Android development. There is also a community that will support your learning and support you along the way.

    If you’re serious about learning the basics of Android development, you should consider joining the ranks of Android developers. These developers will need to understand Android’s API, develop a robust application, and write code to run the software. Once you’ve created a working application, you can then distribute it to customers through official Android marketplaces and third-party websites. To get your app on the Android Market, you’ll need to pay a membership fee. Although Google’s standards are lenient, you’ll have an easier time getting your app distributed.


    Google recently announced that the winners of the Android Developer Challenge 2 contest have been announced. The challenge is designed to encourage software developers to create Android apps and provide cash awards for the best ones. Some of the winning apps include SweetDreams, ʻa ia ʻoku ne fakaʻata ʻa e kau fakaʻaongaʻi ke nau mohe lolotonga ʻenau ʻave ʻa e ngaahi telefoni tomui ki voicemail. Ko e taha ʻo e ngaahi meʻa naʻe ikuna ʻi he tukupaa ko e vaʻinga ko e ha ʻa e Doodle!?, ko ha tatau ʻo e Pictionary ʻi he ʻInitanetí. Niʻihi kehe, hangē ko e WaveSecure, ko ha polokalama maluʻi telefoni toʻotoʻo te ne lava ʻo fakafoki mai e fakamatalá, lokaʻi e ngaahi telefoni, pea holoholoʻi e fakamatalá.

    ʻOku ʻi he Polokalama ʻa e Android Developer ha ngaahi faʻahinga kehekehe ki hono fakaʻaongaʻi mo e ngaahi vaʻinga, kau ai e akó, kulupu fengāueʻaki fakasōsialé, mītiá, mo e ngaahi vaʻingá. Naʻe ʻoatu ʻa e ʻuluaki feʻauhi 50 feʻauhi feʻauhi. Naʻe maʻu ʻe hanau toko hongofulu ʻa e feituʻu hono ua ko e pale ʻo e $100,000 USD takitaha, kae ʻi ʻolunga 10 ikuna $275,000 USD takitaha. Naʻe ʻikai maʻu ʻe he kau ikuna muimuitaha fakahokohoko ʻi he feʻauhi. ʻOku foaki ʻa e pale paʻanga ʻo fakatatau mo e lahi ʻo e ngaahi fili ʻoku maʻu ʻe he contestant takitaha. Neongo ia, ʻoku kehekehe pe ʻa e pale paʻanga ʻo fakatatau mo e faʻahinga.

    Ngaahi Fie Maʻú

    Ke hoko ko ha Android entwickler, kuo pau ke ke maʻu ʻa e ngaahi pōtoʻi ngāue ko ʻení. You must be well-versed in popular programming languages and development tools. You must also have some knowledge of SQL and XML. A good analytical mind is a must. You should also have a keen eye for detail and be able to think critically and creatively. A good developer should also be able to analyze problems and implement solutions in the best possible way.


    In India, the average salary of an Android Developer is about Rs 4.0 Lakhs per annum. According to ZipRecruiter data, Android Developers make up to $195K annually, depending on their level of experience. In the US, salaries for a senior Android developer can range from $129K to $195K, while the average salary for a junior Android developer is around $45000. If you’re a recent college graduate looking for a new job, ʻoku ngalingali ʻe maʻulalo ange ʻa e vahenga ko ʻeni.

    ʻE lava ke kehekehe ʻa e vahenga ki ha tokotaha faʻu Android ʻo makatuʻunga ʻi ha ngaahi moʻoniʻi meʻa lahi, kau ai ʻa e feituʻú mo e akó. ʻOku faʻa fakangaueʻi ʻe he ngaahi kulupu ʻa e kakai ʻoku nau ʻiloʻi ʻa e Android mo e Java, kae mahalo ʻoku ʻikai ke ʻi ai ha taukei ʻi he Android SDK. Ko ia, kapau kuó ke toki ʻosi mei he akó, ʻe lava pē ke tauʻatāina ke fili ko ha founga ke maʻu ai ha taukei mo fakahaohaoaʻi hoʻo ngaahi pōtoʻi ngāué. Te ke lava foki ʻo toʻo hake ʻa e misini kumi Optimization ke takiekina e tuʻunga ʻulungaanga mahuʻinga ʻo hoʻo kautaha pea fakaleleiʻi hono fakatokangaʻi ʻo e maketi.

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