

    Ko ʻEtau Blogs

    ʻOku mau fakaleleiʻi hoʻomou fakatokangaʻi! ʻOku fakapapauʻi mai ʻa e ngaue lelei mo ONMA Sikauti Android app.

    fakalakalaka ʻo e Android app

    Ko ʻEtau Blogs

    Ako ʻa e Ngaahi Tefitoʻi Meʻa Mahuʻinga ʻo e Android Entwicklung

    Android entwicklung

    Kapau ʻokú ke foʻou ki he Android entwicklung, te ke lava ʻo feinga ke kamata hoʻo fononga. ʻOku ʻomi ʻe he ʻetita malohi ko ʻeni ha ngaahi ngaue lahi ke tokoni ke mahino kiate koe ʻa e ngaahi tefitoʻi meʻa mahuʻinga ʻo e fakalakalaka ʻa e Android. ʻOku ʻi ai ha fehālaaki ʻi hono vakaiʻi moʻoní, ko ha ʻetita Reichhaltige, mo e ngaahi fakahinohino ke ako ʻa e Java mo e Android SDK. Te ke lava foki ʻo faʻu ha tohi kole ʻaki ha lomiʻi ʻe taha ʻo fakaʻaongaʻi ʻa e AIDE pea siviʻi ia ʻi he taimi totonu. Ke faʻu ha tohi kole, ʻe ʻuluaki fie maʻu ke ke download ʻa e Android SDK mo e ngaahi meʻangāue totonu ke langa ʻaki iá.

    Beauftragt einen Android-App-Entwickler

    Beauftragt einen Android-App-Entwickler für Ihre nächste Projekt: ʻOku ʻikai ko e ngāué ni maʻá e loto vaivai. Ko ha founga ngaue faingataʻa ʻa e faʻahinga ngaue ko ʻeni, pea ʻoku fie maʻu ki ai ha ʻilo lahi ki he Android-OS. Te ke lava ʻo maʻu ha fakamatala fakapepa lahi ʻi he Android ʻi he Android Dokumentation, ʻa ia ʻoku kau ai ha ngaahi fakahinohino lahi, ngaahi fakamatalá, mo e ngaahi meʻangāué. Neongo ia, ʻoku totonu ke ke mahuʻingaʻia ʻi he tefito ko ʻení pea ʻi ai ha ngaahi meʻa ʻokú ke aʻusia ʻi hoʻo ngāueʻi iá.

    ʻE kehekehe ʻaupito ʻa e ngaahi fakamole ʻoku fekauʻaki mo ha ngaue ki hono fakatupulaki ʻo e app. Makatuʻunga ʻi he faingataʻa mo e lahi ʻo e ngaue, te ke totongi ha paʻanga kehe ki hono fakatupulaki hoʻo app. Kimuʻa pea ke lava ʻo fili ha kautaha fakalakalaka, ʻoku totonu ke ke fakapapauʻi ʻa e lahi ʻo e ngāué, ʻoku fakataumuʻa ki ai e haʻofanga, mo ha ngaahi laiseni ʻoku fie maʻu. Ke kamata, ʻoku totonu ke ke fakapapauʻi pe ʻoku ke fie maʻu ha mobile app ke fakaʻaongaʻi fakatautaha, pisinisí, pe ko ha kakaʻanga ki he kakaí.

    ʻOku makatuʻunga ʻa e totongi ʻo e app fakalakalaka ʻi he fakavaʻe ʻoku ke palani ke fakaʻaongaʻi. While some developers specialize in one platform, others work across multiple platforms, including iPhone, Android, and the web. It is best to choose a developer who can develop apps for several platforms. An android app developer’s fee will depend on the platform you plan to use. A whitepaper on the topic is available for free online. You can fill out the form to receive a free copy of the whitepaper.

    Benutzerdefinierte Anwendungen erstellen

    If you’re looking to learn the basics of Android development, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we’ll discuss how to create a user-defined application in the Android environment. ʻUluaki, you should install the Android SDK. Once you’ve done so, you can begin developing your application. Once you’ve completed the app’s code, you should test it using multiple Android devices.

    The user-defined application-building tool will show you how to build your app using drag-and-drop options. It has pre-installed elements and configurations, allowing you to order them according to the needs of your users. Afterwards, you can create an APK file for installation. Pe, you can create a web site for your brand and turn it into an app later on. Pea, you can use the Android-Studio as an app-development environment.

    User-defined applications are more interactive than ever before. Before launching your mobile application, you need to understand how it will function and look to users. Wireframing helps you visualize your idea and uncover any flaws it may have. By creating a graphical representation of your app’s elements, you can also discover features that would otherwise be impossible to think of. The final product will be a great user experience for your users.

    Once you’ve created an Android virtual device and installed the necessary components, you can test your app in the emulator. This will help you to make sure your app runs smoothly without any problems. ʻIkai ngata ai, you can use the Android Emulator if you’re using a non-intel-based device. But be careful when choosing a virtual devicenot all emulators support ARM-based devices.


    If you’re a new developer, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the tools needed for Android entwicklung. There are many different tools available, but here are a few of the most important ones. If you’re just starting out with Android development, you should try GameMaker Studio first. This tool allows you to create an Android game with a minimal amount of programming and drag-and-drop functionality.

    ʻUluaki, you need to choose a development environment. It’s important to test your application as early as possible, because many bugs and problems can arise once the app is released. A good test environment should also provide secure code management and password protection. This makes it easier to collaborate with other developers and avoid any misunderstandings. Once you’ve made a decision on the development environment, you can then select the right tools for your team.

    Another important tool is an Android IDE. This is a tool that enables you to write Android code in BASIC, ʻa ia ʻoku meimei tatau mo e lea faka-Pilitānia angamahení. Te ke toe lava foki ʻo fakaʻaongaʻi ha faʻifaʻitakiʻanga ke siviʻi ʻaki hoʻo app. Te ke lava foki ʻo maʻu ha ngaahi polokalama fakakomipiuta kehekehe ʻe tokoni kiate koe ʻi he Android entwicklung. Kapau ʻoku ʻikai ke ke fakapapauʻi pe ko e ha e ngaahi meʻangaue ke fakaʻaongaʻi, ʻoku lava ke maʻu mavahevahe pē ʻa e pule ʻo e Android SDK. Makehe mei heni, ʻe lava foki ke ke fakaʻaongaʻi ha No-Fakafaʻahinga-Entwicklungsplattform.


    Ke faʻu ha app maʻá e Android, ʻoku fie maʻu ke mahino kiate koe ʻa e ngaahi tefitoʻi meʻa mahuʻinga ʻo e tauʻanga lelue mo ako fekauʻaki mo e ngaahi laipeli mo e APIs kehekehe ʻoku lava ke maʻu. ʻIkai ngata ai, ʻoku fie maʻu ke mahino kiate koe ʻa e ngaahi fakakaukau kehekehe ʻo e navigation ʻoku ʻi he Android. Kapau ʻoku ke fekumi ki ha founga faingofua ke kamata ai, te ke lava ʻo ako ʻa e founga hono fakaʻaongaʻi ʻo e FireMonkey-Framework. Kuo manakoa foki ʻa e Android ʻi he maketi telefoni toʻotoʻo ʻi he aʻu mai ʻa Kotlin, Tefitoʻi lea fakafonua foʻou ʻa e Google ki he fakalakalaka ʻa e Android.

    Ke lava ʻo faʻu ha app ʻoku ola leleí, ʻoku fie maʻu ke ke ʻiloʻi ʻa e faikehekehe ʻo e Android mo e iOS. Neongo ʻa e ngaahi faitatau, ʻoku ʻi ai ha ngaahi faikehekehe lahi ʻi he ongo founga ngāué. ʻOku fie maʻu ke ke ako lelei ʻa e founga hono fakaʻaongaʻi ʻo e kouti. Ko e foungá ni, te ke lava ʻo faʻu ha app ʻoku ngāue ʻi he iOS mo e Android fakatouʻosi. Pea koeʻuhi ʻoku na fakatou maʻuʻanga tokoni, ʻe faingofua pe haʻo faʻu ha polokalama hybrid ʻoku ngaue seamlessly ʻi he ongo platforms fakatouʻosi. Te ke lava foki ʻo fakaʻaongaʻi ʻa e app stores ke fakatupulaki hoʻo app.

    Kuo fakaʻau ke manakoa ange ʻa e ngaahi device toʻotoʻo ʻi ha toe taimi. Laka hake ʻi he 5 kakai ʻe toko piliona he funga ʻo e māmaní ʻoku nau ʻi ha ngaahi meʻangāue to. ʻOku ʻuhinga ʻeni ʻoku ʻi ai ha fie maʻu lahi ki he apps. Pea ʻi he lahi ʻo e maketi ko ʻeni, ʻoku kakaha ʻa e feʻauhi. ʻOku ʻikai toe kehe hono faʻufaʻu ʻo ha app maʻa e Android. There are two primary ways to make an app for Android: through in-app advertising and through affiliate marketing. The first way to generate revenue from your app is to set up a link to a partner website where you make a commission when a user makes a purchase.

    React Native

    React Native is a framework for building mobile applications. It is similar to React and follows its component-based architecture. Using this framework, you will have to adopt new development techniques, setup your project, and install new underpinning software. Neongo ia, the benefits outweigh the downsides. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how to develop mobile applications using React Native. The first step is understanding the underlying technology.

    React Native is a cross-platform development framework that was first presented to the public in 2015. It has gathered immense popularity since then. The framework allows developers to create native apps using JavaScript. Facebook and its large community have been instrumental in the development of this framework. React Native allows developers to maintain scalability and unify app development. The framework is available under an Open-Source-Lizenz, allowing both commercial and personal use.

    The React Native framework makes it easier to develop native apps. It is designed to reuse JavaScript-files and to automatically convert them into native components. React Native apps are just like any other native Android and iOS apps, and can be tested using a variety of test automation frameworks. Ko hono ola, ʻoku fakapapauʻi mai ha app lelei ʻaupito. Kapau ʻoku ke fifili pe ʻe tokoni fefe ʻa e tali tuʻufonua ki hoʻo Android mo e iOS app fakalakalaka, lau maʻu pē.

    Akonaki Fakamālohi

    Ko e emulator Genymotion ko ha fili manakoa ia ʻi he developers. ʻOku makatuʻunga ʻa e polokalama ko ʻeni ʻi he VirtualBox pea ko ha meʻangaue malohi ia ki hono fakalele ʻo e Android Apps mo e ngaahi vaʻinga ʻi he Windows 10. Faʻufaʻu ʻe he Android fakapalofesinale developers, ʻOku maʻu ʻa e genymotion ʻi he desktop mo e ngaahi tatau ʻao fakatouʻosi. Kuo fakahikihikiʻi ia ʻi heʻene vave pea ʻoku kau ai ha ngaahi meʻa lahi ke tokoni ki developers. ʻOku kau foki ai ha paaki fakatautaha taʻetotongi ki he ngaahi vaʻinga. Ko ha niʻihi ʻeni ʻo e ngaahi fotunga mahuʻinga ʻo Genymotion.

    Genymotion lava developers ke fakatupulaki ʻa e android applications ʻaki ʻene faʻifaʻitaki ki ai 3,000 ngaahi fokotuʻutuʻu kehekehe. ʻOku fakanaunau ʻa e emulator Android ʻaki ʻa e ngaahi meʻangaue ʻoku ne ʻai ke fokotuʻu ʻe he kau fakaʻaongaʻi ha faʻahinga tukunga pe. ʻOku ne toe poupouʻi foki ʻa e lahi taha ʻo e ngaahi misini muna ʻe lava ke matuʻuaki ʻe hoʻo komipiuta. ʻOku taʻetotongi pē ke download pea ʻoku ʻikai fie maʻu ke fola. Ko e emulator vave mo malohi taha ia, pea lava ke faʻifaʻitaki ki he ngaahi fokotuʻutuʻu ʻa e Android APK ʻe 3000. ʻOku fenāpasi foki ia mo ha ngaahi ʻātakai fakapolokalama manakoa lahi.

    ʻOku makatuʻunga ʻa e Emulator Genymotion ʻi he ngaue AndroidVM, ʻa ia ʻokú ne ʻomi ʻa e taimi ʻaukai ki hono kamataʻí mo e ngāue māʻolungá. ʻOku kau foki ai ʻa hono puleʻi UI ki he levolo ʻo e puha ʻuhila mo e GPS fakamatala, pea kuo ne tuifio fakahangatonu ki he Android Studio mo e tukuhausia. ʻE lava ke siviʻi ʻe he kau fakaʻaongaʻi ʻa e apps ʻi ha ngaahi meʻangaue kehekehe ʻi he taimi tatau pe mo Genymotion Emulator, neongo ʻoku ʻikai poupouʻi ʻe he meʻa ni ʻa e ngaahi fokotuʻutuʻu pau. ʻOku toe ngaue foki ʻa e emulator ko ʻeni ʻi he ʻInitaneti. Neongo ia, te ke kei ʻilo pē ʻoku ʻaonga ʻi ha ngaahi tūkunga ʻe niʻihi.

    Ko ʻetau vitioó
    Maʻu ha kupuʻi lea taʻetotongi