

    Ko ʻEtau Blogs

    ʻOku mau fakaleleiʻi hoʻomou fakatokangaʻi! ʻOku fakapapauʻi mai ʻa e ngaue lelei mo ONMA Sikauti Android app.

    fakalakalaka ʻo e Android app

    Ko ʻEtau Blogs

    Ko e fe ʻa e Android App Tool ʻoku totonu maʻau?

    Android app erstellen

    Kapau ʻoku ke foʻou ki he Android development, ʻoku ʻi ai ha ngaahi fili kehekehe ki he fakalakalaka ʻa e Android app. ʻOku kau ʻi he ngaahi fili ko ʻení ʻa e Android Studio, Kivy, Makerpad, mo e Android App Inventor. ʻOku nau takitaha foaki hono ngaahi lelei makehe, pea te u aleaʻi nounou ʻa e ngaahi faikehekehe ʻiate kinaua. Ko hoʻo fili pe ʻa e fili ʻoku totonu kiate koe, ko e ngaahi tefitoʻi meʻa mahuʻinga ʻeni. Ka ki muʻa peá ke kamatá, fakapapauʻi ke download ʻa e meʻangaue totonu ki he ngaue.

    Android Studio

    ʻI he taimi ʻoku ke fakaʻaongaʻi ai ʻa e Android Studio ke faʻu ʻaki e Android Apps, te ke lava ʻo faʻu vave hoʻo polokalama angamaheni ki hoʻo device toʻotoʻó. ʻOku ʻi ai ha tefitoʻi konga ʻe ua ʻo e polokalama mobile application: ʻEkitivitií mo e Sió. An activity is the portion of the app that defines the upper-flache graphical appearance and functionality. It is made up of Java code, which defines what actions should occur when a button is pressed. The app itself can run on any Android-compatible device.

    To start creating your application, open the Project Explorer. It will show the Android Zielplattform, the Master-Formular, and the Resources folder. There is also aGerateubergreifende Vorschau-Fenster”, which will allow you to see the application on multiple devices. Once you have selected a view, you can customize it by clicking its corresponding button. If you need to create more than one application, you can create custom views for each of them.

    Hokó, connect an Android device to your computer. You will need to choose the device that runs Android Studio. You can connect to the Android device using USB. Ko e foungá ni, you can test the app on it and make necessary changes. You can also test the app on this device before you build it for your target platform. Just be patient! If you’re not sure how to do this, read the Android Developer Forum. They have detailed instructions on how to virtualize devices with Android Studio.

    Android App Inventor

    Developing mobile apps requires a lot of investment, both from the developers and from the development environment. The Google App Inventor is an example of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that includes all the software tools needed to create an Android app. Neongo ia, it runs within a web browser and is not supported by Internet Explorer. Neongo ia, kapau ʻokú ke foʻou ki he polokalamá pea ʻoku ʻikai ke ke maʻu ha puipuituʻa ʻi he fakalakalaka ʻo e polokalama fakakomipiutá, ʻE lava ke hoko ʻa e App Inventor ko e founga haohaoa ia.

    Ko hoʻo hu pe ki he uepisaiti App Inventor, te ke lava ʻo kamata ngāue ki hoʻo ngāué. Lomiʻi ʻi he Start project foʻou ʻi he menu bar pea fakahingoa ia. ʻE ava ʻa e App Inventor ʻi he vakai ʻa e Designer. Mei he title bar, te ke lava ʻo tānaki ha ngaahi screen pea fetongi ʻi hona vahaʻá. ʻOku toe fakaʻata foki koe ʻe he title bar ke ke tuʻu ʻi he vahaʻa ʻo e ngaahi konga papa mo e Designer. ʻI hoʻo mateuteu ke kamata, te ke lava ʻo fili ha hingoa ʻo ha ngāue.

    Ko ha fetongi ʻe taha ki he Android App Inventor ko e MIT App Inventor. ʻOku fakaʻata ʻe he ʻatakai fakalakalaka ko ʻeni ʻo e ʻInitaneti ʻa e kau kamata foʻou ke langa mo fakafeʻungaʻi ʻa e Android Apps taʻe hiki ha laine ʻe taha ʻo e kouti. MIT App Inventor is actively maintained by MIT’s Mobile Learning Lab. It was originally created by Google but is now used by many educators and students. The MIT App Inventor is free software and is available under the Apache License 2.0 and Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.


    The Kivy android application development tool is an open-source, fast tool for developing apps, as well as for prototyping. Neongo ia, it is important to note that Kivy applications are not native platforms, so they will have higher APK sizes and slower starts than native apps. This is a drawback given the leistungsfahige performance of Android phones these days. For that reason, many users avoid developing their own applications with Kivy.

    In order to create an Android application, you’ll need to add buttons and other UI elements. These actions are known as event-driven code, and Kivy is built to handle these events. Hangē ko ʻení, a label widget can have three attributes: text, size_hint, and pos_hint. These values are important for making the label appear on screen. The Label widget will need width and text, as well as size-hint.

    Once you’ve built your application in Kivy, it’s time to package it. To package the app in APK format, you need to install the app in the external storage directory. The directory is usually /sdcard. Afterward, you can choose the demo and release versions of the application. The Kivy android application is then ready to be installed in the Google Play. You can also create the Android application on a Raspberry Pi using a manual installation or using the KivyPie package manager.


    The Makerpad is a platform for Android app creation, and its extensive case studies and tutorials can help you get started with coding. With easy-to-follow processes, you can create your own designs and applications for connecting and organizing data. ʻIkai ngata ai, the platform lets you compare different tools to determine which is best for you. It is an excellent tool for both beginners and experienced developers. We’ll look at some of the reasons Makerpad is so effective.

    One of the best features of Makerpad is that it has partnered with multiple tools from various vendors. By choosing a partnered tool, te ke lava ʻo fakaʻaongaʻi lelei ʻa e ngaahi meʻa ʻoku maʻolunga angé. ʻOku kau ʻi he ngaahi meʻangāue ko ʻení ʻa e, Carrd, Sheet2Site, mo e Fakaʻata Lahi. Te ke lava ʻo fakaʻaongaʻi ʻa e Makerpad ke faʻu ha app ki hoʻo pisinisi pe ko ha meʻa ʻoku ke manako ai. Pea, mo hono kolo fakaʻauliliki, te ke lava ʻo fai ha ngaahi fehuʻi mo maʻu ha tokoni ʻi ha faʻahinga taimi pe.

    ʻOku ʻikai ke maʻamaʻa ʻa e Makerpad, neongo ia. Totongi fakamahina ʻo e totongi makasini $16 pea ʻoku fakataumuʻa ia ki he kau kamata foʻou ʻoku nau fie vakaiʻi ʻa e mamani ʻo e fakalakalaka ʻikai ha kouti. Ka ʻo kapau ʻoku ke fakamatoato ʻi he fakafaʻahinga mo hono langa ʻo e ngaahi meʻangaue, te ke lava ʻo fakamoʻoni ki he palani ʻa e Tufunga, ko e fe ʻa e fakamole $41 māhina ʻe. ʻOku ʻi ai ha totongi maʻolunga ange ʻa e palani ʻa e tokotaha langa ka ʻoku mahuʻinga ia kiate kinautolu ʻoku nau fie maʻu ke ola lelei mo kamata fakangaueʻi kinautolu. Kapau ʻoku ʻikai ke ke aʻusia ha fakalakalaka ʻoku ʻikai kouti, Ko ha fili maʻongoʻonga ʻa Makerpad.

    Pule Ki Hono Fakahoko ʻo e Android Emulator

    If you are trying to emulate the experience of using an actual Android device, you can use the Acceleration Execution Manager for Android. This tool uses hardware-assisted virtualization technology to increase the speed of Android emulators. It only works on processors with Intel chips. Once installed, the AVD Manager will automatically start emulating Android applications. Using this tool is simple. You can install it through Android Studio or by using a dedicated installer.

    AVDs are the files that Android emulators use to simulate flash partitions of real devices. They are made of three types of files: kernel, user data, and SD card. These images are created automatically if you don’t provide them. When you start an emulator, the AVD will create a new user data image if you don’t provide one. Pe, you can specify a new location using the -system-dir option.

    The AVD configurations of an Android emulator define the hardware characteristics of the emulated phone. By configuring the AVD configurations, you can test the performance of Android applications on various hardware combinations. Hangē ko ʻení, an Android application can use the network, play audio or video, store data, and notify the user. You can even use the emulator to test the functionality of a device’s camera and accelerometer.

    Android Activity Lifecycles

    While creating an Android app, you should consider the Android Activity Lifecycles. This feature allows you to control the lifecycle of a single activity, such as when it resumes or suspends. Ko e tuʻunga ʻo ha ʻekitiviti ko e taimi lelei taha ia ke tauhi ai ʻa e Siteiti ʻi hoʻo tohi kole pea taʻofi e ngaahi maʻuʻanga tokoni vela. ʻOku ne toe ʻomi foki ha faingamalie lelei ke taʻofi animations, ʻa ia he ʻikai lava ʻo ʻasi ʻi ha ʻekitivitī ne kiʻi mālōlō. Tatau ai pē pe ʻoku toe hoko atu e ʻekitivitií, ʻoku totonu ke ke kei fakapapauʻi pe ke fakaʻaongaʻi ʻa e fakatoloi() founga.

    ʻOku kamata ʻaki e pasikala ʻo e ʻekitivitií ʻa e onCreate() founga. ʻOku ui ʻa e founga ko ʻení ʻi he taimi ʻoku fuofua lomiʻi ai ʻe he tokotaha ngāue ʻi he polokalamá ʻa e ʻaikoni app. ʻI he founga ko ʻení, ʻokú ke fokotuʻutuʻu ʻa e fokotuʻutuʻú pea kamataʻi e ngaahi fakakaukaú. Ko e sitepu hono hoko ʻi he pasikala ko hono ui ʻo e onStart() founga, ʻa ia ʻoku ne ʻai ke ʻasi mai ʻa e ʻekitivitii pea fakaʻata ʻa e tokotaha ngaue ke fengaueʻaki mo ia. OnStart() ʻoku toe ui foki ia ʻi he taimi ʻoku kamata mo tāpuni ai ha ʻekitivitī. Pe, ko e onPause() ʻe lava ke fakatupu ha founga kapau ʻe fakaʻauha ʻa e ʻekitivitii.

    The Android Activity Lifecycle describes the stages that an activity goes through. The app’s icon does not appear on the home screen list, but it will generate events messages as soon as the user clicks a back button. As you create your app, be aware of the Android Activity Lifecycles. If you are developing an Android app, you should learn about these lifecycles to avoid app crashes and other problems.

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