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    Sicwangcisa ukubonakala kwakho! Ukusebenza kakuhle nge-ONMA scout uphuhliso lwe-Android luqinisekisiwe.

    uphuhliso lwe-app ye-android

    Ibhlog yethu

    Uxanduva lwe-Android Entwickler

    umphuhlisi we-android

    Umsebenzi we-Android Entwickler ngowokufuna indibaniselwano yezakhono zobugcisa kunye nokuthanda isifundo. Umsebenzi kule ndima ubandakanya imisebenzi emininzi ebalulekileyo, kuquka uphuhliso lwesoftware. Njengomphuhlisi we-Android, uya kuthatha imbono yomsebenzisi kwaye uqinisekise ukuba inkqubo yakho iyilwe ngendlela eya kuba lula kubasebenzisi ukuyisebenzisa. Le ilandelayo yeminye yemisebenzi ekufuneka i-Android Entwickler iyenze.

    Ingcaciso yomsebenzi

    Inkcazo yomsebenzi womphuhlisi we-Android ebhalwe kakuhle kufuneka icacise ngokucacileyo uxanduva lweso sikhundla. Iinkcazo ezinjalo kufuneka zibandakanye izakhono ezisebenzayo kwiintlobo ezahlukeneyo zezixhobo ze-Android, njenge-iPhone kunye ne-iPad. Inkcazo nayo kufuneka icace kwaye icace, kwaye uqaqambise ulwazi lomphuhlisi kwiinguqulelo ezininzi ze-Android. Ekugqibeleni, inkcazo yomsebenzi egxininisa kwimisebenzi ethile iya kutsala abaviwa abangcono. Kweli nqaku, uya kufunda ukwenza inkcazo yomsebenzi womphuhlisi osebenzayo we-Android.

    Inkcazo yomsebenzi womphuhlisi olungileyo we-Android kufuneka igxininise itekhnoloji ethile ekufuneka umphuhlisi ayazi kakuhle. Ukusebenzisa inkcazo yegeneric yenkcazo yomsebenzi womphuhlisi we-Android kuya kubangela inani elikhulu lezicelo kunye nabafaki-zicelo abangenazo izakhono eziyimfuneko okanye ulwazi lweqonga.. Nantsi isampula yenkcazo yomsebenzi womphuhlisi we-Android ukuze uqalise:

    Abaphuhlisi be-Android kufuneka babe nezakhono ezibalaseleyo zokusombulula iingxaki kunye nezakhono zokuhlalutya. Kufuneka babe nakho ukuhambisa imiyalelo ecacileyo kwabanye abaphuhlisi kwaye bathathele ingqalelo kwiinkcukacha. Ngenxa yezi zizathu, an Android developer job description should include the following qualifications. – Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills are required. – Strong attention to detail. While an Android developer job description should highlight skills in the candidate, it can also include the desired experience.

    A good Android developer job description should include a comprehensive list of educational requirements. Developers should know the Android ecosystem and the popular application frameworks and should have experience building software. Ukongeza, developers must be familiar with industry best practices and coding guidelines. Some Android developers specialize in hardware or video game development. In addition to these skills, inkcazo yomsebenzi womphuhlisi we-Android kufuneka ichaze ubuncinci beminyaka emithathu yamava afanelekileyo.


    Uxanduva lwe-Android Entwickler lubandakanya imisebenzi eyahlukeneyo. Ukuqhubeka kwakhona komphuhlisi oqhelekileyo we-android kubandakanya ulwazi malunga nofudo SVN, HTML, CSS, kunye neJSON. Abaphuhlisi bakwalindeleke ukuba bagcine ukuhambelana kwebrowser kunye nokuphendula. Le nkcazo yomsebenzi kufuneka ichaze ngokucacileyo ubuncinci bezakhono ezifunekayo kunye neziqinisekiso. Umphuhlisi we-Android kulindeleke ukuba abe nobuchule ekusebenziseni iJava.

    Phakathi kwezona mbopheleleko zibalulekileyo zoMthuthukisi we-Android zibhala ikhowudi kunye nokuyila ujongano lomsebenzisi. Lo mphuhlisi usebenzisa iJavaScript, C / C++, kunye nezinye izixhobo ezimbalwa ukwenza nokugcina iinkqubo Android. Abaphuhlisi be-Android kufuneka banikele ingqalelo ngokucokisekileyo kwiinkcukacha kuba umgca omnye wekhowudi unokunika yonke inkqubo engenamsebenzi. Ngaphandle kokudala ii-apps, Abaphuhlisi be-Android basebenza namanye amasebe, kuquka amava oMsebenzisi kunye noPhuhliso lweMveliso. Bachaza ukuba zeziphi iimpawu abasebenzisi abangathanda ukuba nazo kwaye basebenze njengeqela.


    Awudingi ukuba nesidanga saseyunivesithi ukuze ufunde uphuhliso lwe-Android. Ukusebenzisa ezi khosi kulula njengokuthatha iiklasi zeprogram esisiseko kunye nokufunda incwadi malunga nophuhliso lwe-Android. Inxalenye engcono kukuba umxholo uyilwe ngabasebenzi bezoshishino, ngoobani abanokuthi bakuqalise. Abaqeqeshi bekhosi baquka uJocelyn Becker noDan Becker, abo bebefundisa itekhnoloji zikaGoogle ukusukela oko 2004. UJocelyn uphinde wabhala amaxwebhu ophuhlisi kwi-API yokuqala yangaphandle kaGoogle.

    Ikhosi yoqeqesho yabaphuhlisi be-Android iqala ngokufunda iziseko ze-Android Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Emva koko, uya kuqhubela phambili ukuya kwinqanaba eliphezulu, apho uya kufunda ukusebenzisa iKOTLIN kunye neCore Java. Ukusebenzisa i-Core Java, uya kuba nakho ukwakha usetyenziso lwe-Android ngokukhawuleza nalula. Olu qeqesho luya kugubungela kwakhona ii-API ezintsha kuphuhliso lwe-Android, kuquka ukuNgqondwa koBuso, I-Firebase, Iimephu, kunye nokuninzi. Ngexesha lekhosi, uya kufunda kwakhona malunga noyilo lwe-Android, iifayile zokwakha zebakala, umjikelo wobomi bomsebenzi, Imisebenzi yeCRUD, nokunye okuninzi.

    Ekugqibezeleni ikhosi, uya kulungela umsebenzi kwimarike ekhulayo ye-Android. Uya kufunda iziseko zeprogram ye-Android, kuquka ulwakhiwo kunye nesitaki, and develop the skills needed to build a rich application experience. You’ll learn about topics such as RecyclerView, CardView, NavigationDrawer, and app bar actions. You’ll also learn about SQLite and other advanced topics, like deep linking, globalization, and accessibility.

    Google and Udacity are two excellent resources for Android developer training. These institutions webcast live conferences, where top Android experts share their knowledge with eager students. Ekugqibeleni, these instructors form a community where the student can learn from their fellow students. This is one of the most effective ways to learn about Android development. The courses run by these two companies are both excellent, and they provide great support. So take advantage of these resources and start learning!


    If you are looking for a job as an Android Developer, you should know that salaries for this job are considerably higher than the average. Android Developers typically earn between $29,139 kwaye $64,500 per year, and they are also excellent Team Leads. These developers should also be familiar with the Android API and web applications. Salary for an Android Developer varies widely by location, but salaries in the US and UK range between $54K and $189K.

    The average Android developer in the Czech Republic earns $72 000 a year, while a skilled Polish developer makes $68 000 per year. The median salary for an Android Developer in Hungary is $37,500. As mentioned above, the salary depends on several factors, including experience and education. You should consult your employer for accurate information regarding the salary. Kukwacetyiswa ukuba ujonge owona mvuzo uphantsi kwilizwe lakho.

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