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    哪種 Android 應用創建工具適合您?


    如果您是 Android 開發新手, Android 應用程序開發有幾種不同的選擇. 這些選項包括 Android Studio, 絕望的, 創客墊, 和 Android App Inventor. 每個都有自己獨特的優勢, 我將簡要討論它們之間的區別. 一旦你決定哪個選項適合你, 這是基礎知識. 但在你開始之前, 確保為工作下載正確的工具.


    當您使用 Android Studio 創建 Android 應用程序時, 您將能夠為您的移動設備快速創建自己的自定義軟件. 移動應用程序由兩個主要組件組成: 活動和視圖. Activity 是應用程序中定義上層圖形外觀和功能的部分. It is made up of Java code, which defines what actions should occur when a button is pressed. The app itself can run on any Android-compatible device.

    To start creating your application, open the Project Explorer. It will show the Android Zielplattform, the Master-Formular, and the Resources folder. There is also aGerateubergreifende Vorschau-Fenster”, which will allow you to see the application on multiple devices. Once you have selected a view, you can customize it by clicking its corresponding button. If you need to create more than one application, you can create custom views for each of them.

    下一個, connect an Android device to your computer. You will need to choose the device that runs Android Studio. You can connect to the Android device using USB. 這邊走, you can test the app on it and make necessary changes. You can also test the app on this device before you build it for your target platform. Just be patient! If you’re not sure how to do this, read the Android Developer Forum. They have detailed instructions on how to virtualize devices with Android Studio.

    Android App Inventor

    Developing mobile apps requires a lot of investment, both from the developers and from the development environment. The Google App Inventor is an example of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that includes all the software tools needed to create an Android app. 然而, it runs within a web browser and is not supported by Internet Explorer. 然而, if you are new to programming and don’t have a background in software development, App Inventor may be the perfect solution.

    Once you’ve logged in to the App Inventor website, you can start working on your project. Click the Start new project button on the menu bar and name it. App Inventor will open in the Designer view. From the title bar, you can add screens and switch between them. The title bar also allows you to toggle between the Blocks and Designer views. When you’re ready to begin, you can choose a project name.

    Another alternative to Android App Inventor is MIT App Inventor. This web-based development environment allows beginners to build and customize Android apps without writing a single line of code. MIT App Inventor is actively maintained by MIT’s Mobile Learning Lab. It was originally created by Google but is now used by many educators and students. The MIT App Inventor is free software and is available under the Apache License 2.0 和知識共享署名 ShareAlike 3.0 未移植.


    Kivy android 應用程序開發工具是一個開源的, 用於開發應用程序的快速工具, 以及用於原型製作. 然而, 重要的是要注意 Kivy 應用程序不是本地平台, 因此它們將具有比原生應用更大的 APK 大小和更慢的啟動速度. 鑑於這些天 Android 手機的性能低下,這是一個缺點. 是因為, 許多用戶避免使用 Kivy 開發自己的應用程序.

    為了創建一個 Android 應用程序, 您需要添加按鈕和其他 UI 元素. 這些操作稱為事件驅動代碼, Kivy 是為處理這些事件而構建的. 例如, 標籤小部件可以具有三個屬性: 文本, 大小提示, 和 pos_hint. 這些值對於使標籤出現在屏幕上很重要. The Label widget will need width and text, as well as size-hint.

    Once you’ve built your application in Kivy, it’s time to package it. To package the app in APK format, you need to install the app in the external storage directory. The directory is usually /sdcard. Afterward, you can choose the demo and release versions of the application. The Kivy android application is then ready to be installed in the Google Play. You can also create the Android application on a Raspberry Pi using a manual installation or using the KivyPie package manager.


    The Makerpad is a platform for Android app creation, and its extensive case studies and tutorials can help you get started with coding. With easy-to-follow processes, you can create your own designs and applications for connecting and organizing data. 此外, 該平台可讓您比較不同的工具以確定最適合您的工具. 它是初學者和經驗豐富的開發人員的絕佳工具. 我們將看看 Makerpad 如此有效的一些原因.

    Makerpad 的最佳功能之一是它與來自不同供應商的多種工具合作. 通過選擇合作工具, 您將能夠利用其高級功能. 這些工具包括 Boundless, 卡德, Sheet2Site, 和縮放. 您可以使用 Makerpad 為您的企業甚至愛好創建應用程序. 和, 擁有全面的社區, 您可以隨時提出問題並獲得幫助.

    Makerpad 並不便宜, 然而. 每月訂閱費用 $16 面向想要探索無代碼開發世界的初學者. 但如果你認真對待編碼和構建工具, 您可以註冊 Builder 計劃, 費用 $41 一個月. Builder 計劃的成本較高,但對於那些想要提高工作效率並開始被雇用的人來說是值得的. 如果你沒有無代碼開發經驗, Makerpad 是一個不錯的選擇.


    如果您嘗試模擬使用實際 Android 設備的體驗, 您可以使用適用於 Android 的加速執行管理器. 該工具使用硬件輔助虛擬化技術來提高 Android 模擬器的速度. 它僅適用於帶有英特爾芯片的處理器. 一旦安裝, AVD Manager 將自動開始模擬 Android 應用程序. 使用這個工具很簡單. You can install it through Android Studio or by using a dedicated installer.

    AVDs are the files that Android emulators use to simulate flash partitions of real devices. They are made of three types of files: kernel, user data, and SD card. These images are created automatically if you don’t provide them. When you start an emulator, the AVD will create a new user data image if you don’t provide one. 或者, you can specify a new location using the -system-dir option.

    The AVD configurations of an Android emulator define the hardware characteristics of the emulated phone. By configuring the AVD configurations, you can test the performance of Android applications on various hardware combinations. 例如, an Android application can use the network, play audio or video, store data, and notify the user. You can even use the emulator to test the functionality of a device’s camera and accelerometer.

    Android Activity Lifecycles

    While creating an Android app, you should consider the Android Activity Lifecycles. This feature allows you to control the lifecycle of a single activity, such as when it resumes or suspends. The suspended state of an activity is the best time to store state in your application and stop consuming resources. It also provides a good opportunity to suspend animations, which might not be visible in a paused activity. Regardless of whether the activity resumes, you should still make sure to use the suspend() 方法.

    An activity’s lifecycle begins with the onCreate() 方法. This method is called when the user first clicks on the app icon. 在這個方法中, you set the layout and initialize the views. The next step in the lifecycle is to call the onStart() 方法, which makes the activity visible and allows the user to interact with it. OnStart() is also called when an activity is started and closed. 或者, 暫停() method can be triggered if the activity is destroyed.

    The Android Activity Lifecycle describes the stages that an activity goes through. The app’s icon does not appear on the home screen list, but it will generate events messages as soon as the user clicks a back button. As you create your app, be aware of the Android Activity Lifecycles. 如果您正在開發 Android 應用程序, you should learn about these lifecycles to avoid app crashes and other problems.
